Risk Management Blog and Articles

April 2, 2020

Third-Party Risk Management for Healthcare Organizations: What, Why, and How

Healthcare organizations need to bring in a large number of technology providers to assist in delivering medical services, protecting data and complying with strict standards like HIPAA. So it’s fair to say that third-party risk management for healthcare organizations is a must.
March 26, 2020

What is a Fourth Party? Managing Fourth-Party Risk in Your Enterprise

So you have assessed your third-parties and established a TPRM program. But what about the risk posed by your vendors’ third-parties? It’s time to start thinking about fourth-party risk.
March 19, 2020

Location Risk Monitoring: Ongoing versus real-time

Modern businesses are increasingly dependent on third-parties who are geographically dispersed across the globe. Here’s why you should start thinking about continuous location risk monitoring.
March 10, 2020

Should Legal increase spending in third-party risk management technology?

Gartner predicts that by 2023, organizational spending on third-party risk management (TPRM) technologies within the Legal industry will increase by 50%. What can tech actually do for the industry?
February 27, 2020

Vendor or Third Party? Towards a holistic risk management approach

We often hear terms like “supplier”, “provider”, “vendor” or “third-party” used indistinctly, but they're not the same. We believe "third-party" is a much more powerful concept and here's why.
February 18, 2020

Building a Scalable Third-Party Risk Management Program

Although most organizations understand its importance, it can be difficult to start and maintain a scalable third-party risk management program. Bob Wilkinson, Founder & CEO of Cyber Marathons Solutions, shares tips and best practices.
February 7, 2020

Take-Two Case Study: Assessments Take a Week Less with ThirdPartyTrust

Learn how Take-Two overcame its third-party risk management challenges with the ThirdPartyTrust platform.
January 28, 2020

Data Privacy Day: 3 ways to keep third-party data exposure under control

January 28 is Data Privacy Day, an international effort to empower users and encourage businesses to ‘respect privacy, safeguard data and enable trust.’ In an increasingly data-driven world, you need to make sure your company is going the extra mile to protect your customers and users. That means keeping an eye on your third-parties that might have access to Personal Identifiable Information (PII).
January 23, 2020

Risk Management Dashboard and KRI Examples

Learn how a third party vendor risk dashboard provides insights to understand your risk environment and make data-driven decisions for TPRM.