Risk Management Blog and Articles

December 6, 2021

How to Spend Your End of Year Budget Wisely (Before You Lose It)

Wondering how to leverage your remaining funds? As you decide how to use your end of year budget, ask yourself these questions.
December 1, 2021

TPRM Checklist: How Secure is Your Third Party Network?

It's time to make sure your program covers all the bases. This TPRM Checkup offers 10 tips to detect gaps or areas for improvement.
November 19, 2021

Ransomware in the Retail Sector: Key Findings and Preventive Measures

We analyzed hundreds of incidents to provide key findings that will help your organization stay ahead of ransomware in the Retail sector.
November 18, 2021

Risk Assessments: How To Reduce Friction Between Sales and Security

For sales, responding to security reviews is a bottleneck. For security, it's a drain of resources. So how to speed things up?
November 16, 2021

State of Ransomware in Europe: RaaS and Multiple Extortion Schemes

As organizations digitize and shift to online solutions, cybercriminals adapt. Get the latest research on ransomware in Europe.
November 15, 2021

How to Get Legal, Procurement, and Business Units Onboard with Security

Vendor onboarding is a shared effort between Legal, Procurement, Security and Business Owners. Here's how to make it work.
November 10, 2021

The Impact of Ransomware in the Manufacturing Sector

As facilities digitize and integrate their systems, cybercriminals adapt. Get the latest research on ransomware in the manufacturing sector.
November 8, 2021

Stolen Credentials: A Conduit for Ransomware Into the Supply Chain

Attackers usually don't break in, they log in. Learn how to close the gap of stolen credentials to prevent ransomware in your supply chain.