Risk Management Blog and Articles

May 7, 2020

Third-party risk assessments in Legal: SIG, SOC-2, ISO 27001 and other stories

With all the different types of certifications and risk assessments in Legal, what’s the definite proof that a third-party can be trusted?
April 23, 2020

Third-Party Risk Management for Financial Services Organizations

Financial services organizations have to stay on their toes to ensure compliance in the context of outsourcing and third-party risk management (TPRM).
April 21, 2020

Why Your Audit Trail is a Goldmine

The audit trail can track active, non-active and total third-parties over time, helping you get a better understanding of capacity and planning.
April 9, 2020

4 Challenges of Moving Cyber Initiatives Forward

With growing executive demand for changes to cybersecurity processes and awareness comes inherent challenges to an organization.
April 2, 2020

Third-Party Risk Management for Healthcare Organizations: What, Why, and How

Healthcare organizations need to bring in a large number of technology providers to assist in delivering medical services, protecting data and complying with strict standards like HIPAA. So it’s fair to say that third-party risk management for healthcare organizations is a must.
March 26, 2020

What is a Fourth Party? Managing Fourth-Party Risk in Your Enterprise

So you have assessed your third-parties and established a TPRM program. But what about the risk posed by your vendors’ third-parties? It’s time to start thinking about fourth-party risk.
March 19, 2020

Location Risk Monitoring: Ongoing versus real-time

Modern businesses are increasingly dependent on third-parties who are geographically dispersed across the globe. Here’s why you should start thinking about continuous location risk monitoring.
March 10, 2020

Should Legal increase spending in third-party risk management technology?

Gartner predicts that by 2023, organizational spending on third-party risk management (TPRM) technologies within the Legal industry will increase by 50%. What can tech actually do for the industry?
February 27, 2020

Vendor or Third Party? Towards a holistic risk management approach

We often hear terms like “supplier”, “provider”, “vendor” or “third-party” used indistinctly, but they're not the same. We believe "third-party" is a much more powerful concept and here's why.